Artist Statement

I am captivated by the concept of "Always Already Becoming," a notion that challenges our fixed notions of identity and being. Drawing from posthumanist thought, my work emphasizes the fluid, embodied, and interconnected nature of our existence, rejecting the idea of a singular, transcendent self. My art explores how agency is not the exclusive domain of human consciousness, but rather a relational phenomenon that emerges from the complex entanglements between human and non-human actors. These entanglements often remain invisible, obscuring the intricate networks that shape our world. By deconstructing the classical dialectic of self and other, my practice invites viewers to embrace a more expansive understanding of subjectivity and agency – one that acknowledges myriad unseen connections that bind us to our environment and the non-human entities that surround us. Through my art, I aim to make these invisible connections visible and material, provoking a rethinking of our place within the ever-becoming assemblages that constitute our world.